For all foreign friends in English:
In November 2010 I started The AthensArt Ning site for the " Centre of Arts for 4 Seasons" in Athens, from which time the network has grown rapidly, in June this commitee decided to exhibit in "Technopolis" at Gazi Square (the place to be, the cultural center of Athens, 10 minutes walk from the center). More than 200 artists sent their work to Athens, more than 70 were actually present in Athens.
In November 2010 I started The AthensArt Ning site for the " Centre of Arts for 4 Seasons" in Athens, from which time the network has grown rapidly, in June this commitee decided to exhibit in "Technopolis" at Gazi Square (the place to be, the cultural center of Athens, 10 minutes walk from the center). More than 200 artists sent their work to Athens, more than 70 were actually present in Athens.
In June there were more than 700 international members, so the site is active day and night.
In the meantime I'm busy with all, as a webmaster, and active in different committees: the international committee of recommendation, the selection commitee, in the graphic design group, etc.
In the meantime I'm busy with all, as a webmaster, and active in different committees: the international committee of recommendation, the selection commitee, in the graphic design group, etc.
Above a page with all activities
The catalog (276 pages):
The design was made by two Dutch, Sacha Janzee and myself. We send a lot of mailings for all content and produced this catalog in our "spare" time (hours and hours and hours
The design was made by two Dutch, Sacha Janzee and myself. We send a lot of mailings for all content and produced this catalog in our "spare" time (hours and hours and hours
my page
The number of artists and the number of their works on this Site in June 2010
Technopolis, Athens
Still empty rooms to fill
"a few" works in the storage room
The device, soon apparent that no 5 x 200 works can hang, each artist gets space for 2 or 3 works. The hanging of all these works costs all in all 4 days, almost day and night setting, back and forth to the store for more than 40 degrees during the day
Gazi plaza by night
The "grand" opening, more than 1000 visitors on the first day, many visitors during the whole exhibition, different workshops, discussions (unfortunately in Greek) and activities.
some of my works (in the corner)
My donations
a weekend in the "Art Centre"
A day trip to Delphi
Sunday morning children paint workshop
bodypaint performance with giouli tsagaraki
Takis and our Russian friends Natalia and Machmout
Last night before packing, tomorrow it has to be empty at noon!, so less sleep
an afternoon at another beautifull beach
a good meal, the greek food is a great experience